30th Nov, 2023 12:00

Autograph Letters, Manuscripts & Historical Documents

Lot 649


DE KEYSER NICAISE: (1813-1887)

DE KEYSER NICAISE: (1813-1887) Belgian painter. An illustrated A.L.S., N De Keyser, three pages, 8vo, Antwerp, 8th September 1879, to a friend, on black bordered mourning stationery, in French. De Keyser states that he did not attend the Royal visit to the Salon and therefore does not have precise details ‘mais S.M. a du admirer les oeuvres de Rosa Bonheur comme tout le monde’ (Translation: ‘but H.M. must have admired the works of Rosa Bonheur like everyone else’), continuing ‘Quant a l'objet de votre desir soyez persuade qu'on fera tout son possible pour atteindre le but propose. Je verrai demain mon beau fils et lui soumettrai vos reflexions au sujet de votre communique et la note dont il est fait mention dans votre lettre’ (Translation: ‘As for the object of your desire, be convinced that we will do everything possible to achieve the proposed goal. I will see my son-in-law tomorrow and submit to him your thoughts on the subject of your press release and the note mentioned in your letter’). The painter also makes a request of his friend, ‘J'espere que ces lignes vous trouvent encore a Madrid. J'en serais d'autant plus charme que je vous prierai de me rendre un service. Voici en quoi il consiste: vous adresser chez le photographe Laurent, ou un autre, et m'envoyer sous enveloppe une photographie pliee du cirque des taureaux une vue interieure avec la loge Royale si possible. Quelques types de jolies femmes & costumes Espagnols. Vous connaissez le motif de cette demande, il me serait agreable de recevoir ces renseignements le plus tot possible. Si vous allez en Andalousie a Seville ou Grenade, un chapeau, une vielille veste en velours (vert ou bleu) avec manches brodees boutons......faire de cela un petit paquet et me l'envoyer, vous seriez comme toujours le plus aimable & le plus devoue des amis’ (Translation: ‘I hope these lines still find you in Madrid. I will be all the more delighted if I ask you to do me a favour. This is what it consists of: contact the photographer Laurent, or another, and send me in an envelope a photograph of the Bull ring, an interior view with the Royal box if possible. Some types of pretty Spanish women & costumes. You know the reason for this request, it would be nice for me to receive this information as soon as possible. If you go to Andalusia, to Seville or Granada, a hat, an old velvet jacket (green or blue) with embroidered button sleeves……make a small package of this and send it to me, you would be as always the kindest & most devoted of friends’). At this stage in the letter De Keyser has drawn a small sketch of a half-length profile study of a man wearing a jacket and hat. The artist adds that he will keep his friend informed of any developments and in a postscript also asks to be sent photographs of King Alfonso XII and the late Queen Mercedes. Some light age wear and a couple of neat splits to the edges of folds, otherwise about VG

Belgian painter. An illustrated A.L.S., N De Keyser, three pages, 8vo, Antwerp, 8th September 1879, to a friend, on black bordered mourning stationery, in French. De Keyser states that he did not attend the Royal visit to the Salon and therefore does not have precise details ‘mais S.M. a du admirer les oeuvres de Rosa Bonheur comme tout le monde’ (Translation: ‘but H.M. must have admired the works of Rosa Bonheur like everyone else’), continuing ‘Quant a l'objet de votre desir soyez persuade qu'on fera tout son possible pour atteindre le but propose. Je verrai demain mon beau fils et lui soumettrai vos reflexions au sujet de votre communique et la note dont il est fait mention dans votre lettre’ (Translation: ‘As for the object of your desire, be convinced that we will do everything possible to achieve the proposed goal. I will see my son-in-law tomorrow and submit to him your thoughts on the subject of your press release and the note mentioned in your letter’). The painter also makes a request of his friend, ‘J'espere que ces lignes vous trouvent encore a Madrid. J'en serais d'autant plus charme que je vous prierai de me rendre un service. Voici en quoi il consiste: vous adresser chez le photographe Laurent, ou un autre, et m'envoyer sous enveloppe une photographie pliee du cirque des taureaux une vue interieure avec la loge Royale si possible. Quelques types de jolies femmes & costumes Espagnols. Vous connaissez le motif de cette demande, il me serait agreable de recevoir ces renseignements le plus tot possible. Si vous allez en Andalousie a Seville ou Grenade, un chapeau, une vielille veste en velours (vert ou bleu) avec manches brodees boutons......faire de cela un petit paquet et me l'envoyer, vous seriez comme toujours le plus aimable & le plus devoue des amis’ (Translation: ‘I hope these lines still find you in Madrid. I will be all the more delighted if I ask you to do me a favour. This is what it consists of: contact the photographer Laurent, or another, and send me in an envelope a photograph of the Bull ring, an interior view with the Royal box if possible. Some types of pretty Spanish women & costumes. You know the reason for this request, it would be nice for me to receive this information as soon as possible. If you go to Andalusia, to Seville or Granada, a hat, an old velvet jacket (green or blue) with embroidered button sleeves……make a small package of this and send it to me, you would be as always the kindest & most devoted of friends’). At this stage in the letter De Keyser has drawn a small sketch of a half-length profile study of a man wearing a jacket and hat. The artist adds that he will keep his friend informed of any developments and in a postscript also asks to be sent photographs of King Alfonso XII and the late Queen Mercedes. Some light age wear and a couple of neat splits to the edges of folds, otherwise about VG


DE KEYSER NICAISE: (1813-1887) Belgian painter. An illustrated A.L.S., N De Keyser, three pages, 8vo, Antwerp, 8th September 1879, to a friend, on black bordered mourning stationery, in French. De Keyser states that he did not attend the Royal visit to the Salon and therefore does not have precise details ‘mais S.M. a du admirer les oeuvres de Rosa Bonheur comme tout le monde’ (Translation: ‘but H.M. must have admired the works of Rosa Bonheur like everyone else’), continuing ‘Quant a l'objet de votre desir soyez persuade qu'on fera tout son possible pour atteindre le but propose. Je verrai demain mon beau fils et lui soumettrai vos reflexions au sujet de votre communique et la note dont il est fait mention dans votre lettre’ (Translation: ‘As for the object of your desire, be convinced that we will do everything possible to achieve the proposed goal. I will see my son-in-law tomorrow and submit to him your thoughts on the subject of your press release and the note mentioned in your letter’). The painter also makes a request of his friend, ‘J'espere que ces lignes vous trouvent encore a Madrid. J'en serais d'autant plus charme que je vous prierai de me rendre un service. Voici en quoi il consiste: vous adresser chez le photographe Laurent, ou un autre, et m'envoyer sous enveloppe une photographie pliee du cirque des taureaux une vue interieure avec la loge Royale si possible. Quelques types de jolies femmes & costumes Espagnols. Vous connaissez le motif de cette demande, il me serait agreable de recevoir ces renseignements le plus tot possible. Si vous allez en Andalousie a Seville ou Grenade, un chapeau, une vielille veste en velours (vert ou bleu) avec manches brodees boutons......faire de cela un petit paquet et me l'envoyer, vous seriez comme toujours le plus aimable & le plus devoue des amis’ (Translation: ‘I hope these lines still find you in Madrid. I will be all the more delighted if I ask you to do me a favour. This is what it consists of: contact the photographer Laurent, or another, and send me in an envelope a photograph of the Bull ring, an interior view with the Royal box if possible. Some types of pretty Spanish women & costumes. You know the reason for this request, it would be nice for me to receive this information as soon as possible. If you go to Andalusia, to Seville or Granada, a hat, an old velvet jacket (green or blue) with embroidered button sleeves……make a small package of this and send it to me, you would be as always the kindest & most devoted of friends’). At this stage in the letter De Keyser has drawn a small sketch of a half-length profile study of a man wearing a jacket and hat. The artist adds that he will keep his friend informed of any developments and in a postscript also asks to be sent photographs of King Alfonso XII and the late Queen Mercedes. Some light age wear and a couple of neat splits to the edges of folds, otherwise about VG

Belgian painter. An illustrated A.L.S., N De Keyser, three pages, 8vo, Antwerp, 8th September 1879, to a friend, on black bordered mourning stationery, in French. De Keyser states that he did not attend the Royal visit to the Salon and therefore does not have precise details ‘mais S.M. a du admirer les oeuvres de Rosa Bonheur comme tout le monde’ (Translation: ‘but H.M. must have admired the works of Rosa Bonheur like everyone else’), continuing ‘Quant a l'objet de votre desir soyez persuade qu'on fera tout son possible pour atteindre le but propose. Je verrai demain mon beau fils et lui soumettrai vos reflexions au sujet de votre communique et la note dont il est fait mention dans votre lettre’ (Translation: ‘As for the object of your desire, be convinced that we will do everything possible to achieve the proposed goal. I will see my son-in-law tomorrow and submit to him your thoughts on the subject of your press release and the note mentioned in your letter’). The painter also makes a request of his friend, ‘J'espere que ces lignes vous trouvent encore a Madrid. J'en serais d'autant plus charme que je vous prierai de me rendre un service. Voici en quoi il consiste: vous adresser chez le photographe Laurent, ou un autre, et m'envoyer sous enveloppe une photographie pliee du cirque des taureaux une vue interieure avec la loge Royale si possible. Quelques types de jolies femmes & costumes Espagnols. Vous connaissez le motif de cette demande, il me serait agreable de recevoir ces renseignements le plus tot possible. Si vous allez en Andalousie a Seville ou Grenade, un chapeau, une vielille veste en velours (vert ou bleu) avec manches brodees boutons......faire de cela un petit paquet et me l'envoyer, vous seriez comme toujours le plus aimable & le plus devoue des amis’ (Translation: ‘I hope these lines still find you in Madrid. I will be all the more delighted if I ask you to do me a favour. This is what it consists of: contact the photographer Laurent, or another, and send me in an envelope a photograph of the Bull ring, an interior view with the Royal box if possible. Some types of pretty Spanish women & costumes. You know the reason for this request, it would be nice for me to receive this information as soon as possible. If you go to Andalusia, to Seville or Granada, a hat, an old velvet jacket (green or blue) with embroidered button sleeves……make a small package of this and send it to me, you would be as always the kindest & most devoted of friends’). At this stage in the letter De Keyser has drawn a small sketch of a half-length profile study of a man wearing a jacket and hat. The artist adds that he will keep his friend informed of any developments and in a postscript also asks to be sent photographs of King Alfonso XII and the late Queen Mercedes. Some light age wear and a couple of neat splits to the edges of folds, otherwise about VG