30th Jan, 2025 11:00

Autograph Letters, Historical Documents and Manuscripts - Timed Auction

Lot 80



THERON CHARLIZE: (1975- ) South African actress, Academy Award winner for Best Actress in 2003 for her role as Aileen Wuornos in Monster. Signed colour 10 x 8 photograph of Theron in a half-length pose in costume from her Oscar winning performance as the street prostitute serial killer Wuornos in a scene from the biographical crime drama film Monster. Signed by Theron in blue ink with her name alone to the centre of the image. A typed label neatly affixed to the verso indicates the signature was obtained in person at the Regency Hotel in New York on 14th January 2004. EX

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THERON CHARLIZE: (1975- ) South African actress, Academy Award winner for Best Actress in 2003 for her role as Aileen Wuornos in Monster. Signed colour 10 x 8 photograph of Theron in a half-length pose in costume from her Oscar winning performance as the street prostitute serial killer Wuornos in a scene from the biographical crime drama film Monster. Signed by Theron in blue ink with her name alone to the centre of the image. A typed label neatly affixed to the verso indicates the signature was obtained in person at the Regency Hotel in New York on 14th January 2004. EX

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